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Bog 3 Day: All together now

The event has come and gone and things were finished in time! And worn!

Except for the wool coats, because it was a balm 91 degrees and 102% humidity.

So as a wrap up: things were very slow, except for the very end when everything happened very quickly.

The weaving took about a month and a half to complete. Most of that was because needing to manually lift my leg and set it on the individual peddles takes its toll on both the upper and lower body, and I can only weave for about two hours at a time before I need a break. I'm hoping to find a way to convert the loom into switches like a table loom, but I got through the project, so... victory!

In the end, I warped just over 9 yards and ended up with 7 3/4 yards. And needed every inch.

Once the fabric was off the loom, I soaked it in warm water and hung it to dry. While that was happening, the undertunic and sark were made. Both were trimmed in a dark red dupioni silk. Ríoghnach's dress was pleated around the neckline with extra long sleeves to show her wealth. The goal was- given that the event was in July- that the green wool could be removed and they would still look like wealthy Vikings.

Murdoch also had a pair of red linen trousers that I cut using a pair of his favorite brais as a pattern. While not accurate to the design of the extent trousers, they also weren't going to be visible much under the tunic, and comfort was important.

The wool was cut (with much apprehension and rechecking of measurements!) and sewn. Unfortunately, not many pictures were taken during that process. I also machine serged the edges of the fabric to ensure stability before rolling and finishing the seams.

The green wool garments were trimmed in thin strips of patterned silk and overlaid with silver and gold posaments. It was my first time braiding posaments, so they're a little wobbly, but I'm really pleased with them.

I also made the beads for Ríoghnach's festoons, which I took zero pictures of except at the very start.

Ulfkell made the belt, pouch and knives to complete the look.

All in all, I'm really happy with the finished ensemble and I'm glad they liked them and were comfortable in them. And now, Pennsic prep!


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