Making a Laurel
On November 16, at Fabric, Fiber, and Fighting, I had the incredible honor of being elevated to the most Noble Order of the Laurel. ...
Bog 3 Day: All together now
The event has come and gone and things were finished in time! And worn! Except for the wool coats, because it was a balm 91 degrees and...
Bog 3 Day, the Weaving Set Up.
The Barony of St. Swithin's Bog in our Kingdom hosts a 3 day event in July every year called, very creatively, Bog 3 Day. This year the...
Birka Bj. 968: The Clothing
For the clothing of Birka Grave Bj. 968, I was fortunate that there were some fragments of textiles that were found on top of her oval...
12th Century
This is an outfit made for a friend for her Pelican ceremony a few years ago. The inner dress was cream linen and the bilaut was green...
Calontir Clothing Challenge, Layer 4
Layer 4 involved a bunch of accessories. The simplest was a veil, which was just a length of plain linen that I tried to dye but mostly...
Calontir Clothing Challenge, Layer 2 and 3
This is going to be a big photo dump, because things got done, but not written up, during the Thanksgiving/ Christmas rush. Layer 2: A...
Tangled webs, woven
November's mission was to get my new loom warped and my apron fabric woven. The loom is a 48" Ashford Rigid Heddle. Step 1 was to...
CCC: Month One
So it's almost the end of October, but the first snow is falling. It makes me glad that I looked forward to January and planned for...