To the Ball! Pregame
This year is Pennsic 50, which we're very much looking forward to. I've been busy sewing some new, lightweight Roman dresses for me and some things for my nephew, who insists on growing like a weed. Teenagers.
But then I hit a lull. Zero inspiration. Zip motivation. Not a single stitch. I was good at making the plans. So much planning! And looking at Pinterest for inspiration- until my husband pointed out that I already know how to make a chiton and you know what hasn't seen a lot of new, trendy, Pinterest-y innovations lately? Ancient clothing. Point taken. But still. No motivation.
And then the schedules for Pennsic started dropping and there was, on our last scheduled night for Pennsic- a Grand Masked Ball. Do we know how to dance? We do not. Do we care? Also no.
Years ago, at my very first Pennsic, I attended one of the balls- back when they were held at what is now the Cooper's store. I was still pretty newly injured and too self conscious and aware of how the wheelchair altered things to take part. Now, 18 years later? Couldn't care less. Bring on the dancing.
But we have nothing to wear to the ball and no fairy godmother has materialized so- with 30 days to go- I decided to make us outfits for the ball. And finally found something that broke me out of the sewing rut. But also with Pennsic only a month away, I don't want to spend a ton of money. So- two outfits, 30 days, a decent stash and an extremely small budget.
Adam trekked upstairs to the sewing room (I'm still without a necessary stairlift, mine having broken during the pandemic. It should be installed soon but I couldn't wait!) and brought down samples of fabrics he thought would work, and the full yardage of his favorites. After careful selection, we decided on green and gold for me and black and gold for him.

My fabrics

His fabrics
He wants an Elizabethan pair of breeches, a new linen shirt and a doublet without sleeves (Pennsic is HOT, even at night). I'm making a late 15th century Florentine gown and sleeves and a cap/caul situation to cover the very short haircut. I already have an appropriate chemise somewhere in the house from a dress competition that I started and then abandoned, I just need to find it.
I'm using Margo Anderson's patterns for both of us. I have her very very early Elizabeth Gentlemen's set that's probably about 18 years old now, and I downloaded her much more recent Italian patterns for me. After some printing and taping and cutting, I had viable patten pieces. And away we go!
