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This latest project was finished just in time for Aethelmearc War practice. One of the knights in our household was in need of a new set of leg armor. Not my normal project, but hopefully they'll work ok.

The padding in the old set had bunched up because the quilting wasn't dense enough to hold it in place. The grommets had also ripped through the fabric at the sides and the knees.

I picked the least destroyed of the two and pulled out all of the padding to be able to lay it flat and create a pattern from it. Then I cut two layers of heavy weight linen (7 ounce) and two layers of batting per leg. The knees got an extra four layers of batting to add padding under the metal armor.

I stitched around the knee padding to hold it into place. The quilt lines were done vertically and then on both diagonals to hold everything together.

They were then washed to pre shrink within the quilting and the knees and knees were covered in heavy duck cloth for extra protection.

Instead of grommeting through the sides, I added premade grommet strips. They'll be hidden under the edging in the back, easier to replace in time and will cause less damage to the fabric.

The spaces for the grommets to attach the legs to her belt and the knees to the legs were covered in leather to help ease the stress on the fabric.

And once Adam adds the grommets they'll be ready for tomorrow. They'll not the prettiest bit of sewing I've ever done, but hopefully they'll do the job.


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