Hating Everything
There are something crazy like 19 days left in the competition. 19. 19 days is not a lot of days when you consider that we're leaving for Pennsic on Friday morning at some ungodly hour and we won't be back until the 13th and even though I am truly a nutter, I can't see getting any sewing done after a week of camping and a five hour drive so I really won't be back to work until the 14 and then there will be like 7 days left. 7. A week of sewing. So I have two days before Pennsic. And a week after. I might be freaking out just a little. And at some point, I decided that Adam's project just needs too much work right now to even begin to feasibly finish, so I'm focusing on the gown for me. And because I am absolutely out of my gourd, here's what I did:
I made these sleeves and the skirt and even trimmed them before waking up one morning, deciding that I hate everything and starting over. Starting over. With something like 9 sewing days left. Normally, at this point, my friends and family would be making gentle suggestions such as "leave it alone" or "perhaps you could just learn to cope with it (and reality)" or "here, drink this tea, don't worry about the funny taste...." but when my husband's first reaction is "It looks like someone wanted a medieval wedding. As Cinderella." you know that a redo really is the right way to go. I found some cream colored silk something or other in the stash and have the sleeves cut and half trimmed. I need to trim the new underskirt. I really need to start the dress. You know, the actual dress that the whole outfit is based on. But, on a brighter note, I started the gold meshwork caul. The meshwork is totally done, I have a few more beads to add and then the band to put on.