Men's Doublet and Venetian Breeches
This doublet and matching venetian breeches were made for my husband, Adam, in 2005 - 2006, using Margo Anderson's patterns. They're made with black silk and lined with crimson satin. The men's shirt is white cotton muslin. The over sleeves can be worn either opened or buttoned.
At Adam's request, a sunburst was quilted into the front of the doublet to give it texture. To pad the sunburst for quilting, a layer of cotton flannel was added between the flatlining and the lining. There are double wings at the shoulders and the doublet and sleeves are edged in black satin cord.
The silk was machine washed with tennis balls multiple times because when it arrived, I hated it. It was way too stiff for what Adam wanted- he prefers that everything he has look as if it's been worn awhile and broken in. Like when new shoes are too white, brand new garb looks stiff and more like a costume than clothing, so I abuse everything that I make for him.