Italian Renaissance Costuming Competition
Bella Lucia de Verona, over at The Realm of Venus posted three days ago about an Italian Renaissance Costuming Challenge. Within three...
Green and gold 14th Century
The gold gown was made using a Rocking Horse Farm pattern that was taken in and altered for Karen. It fits without lacing and the sleeves...
Purple Early Italian Gown
This gown was a pretty quick and dirty project for my sister. I'm not sure where we were going that she needed a dress, but the whole...
14th Century Hood
The hood was made with a pattern from Reconstructing History. It's gray wool fully lined with a plum linen. The top stitching was made...
Karen's Red Elizabethan Gown
This gown was made for my sister last summer to wear to a ball at Pennsic. As she lives five hours away, we don't get a lot of time...
Men's Red Elizabethan Middle-Class
This men's outfit was made for Tyson to wear to a ball at Pennsic. It was a pretty quick and easy project, but I wanted it to look nice...
Brown Velvet Tudor
The gown was made using the Tudor Tailor patterns and is a loose overgown, worn over a blouse and a wool underskirt. The gown itself is...
Middle Class Elizabethan
This upper middle class doublet and skirt were made to wear to the local Ren Faires. This outfit has been through several incarnations...
Blue Tudor Gown
Blue Tudor gown for Holly for our Baronial Twelfth Night. The gown is blue velvet and the underdress is pale blue brocade with maltese...
Red Elizabethan
This was created for Allyson, my college roommate, in 2005-2006. The gown is red satin with a black fleur de lis brocade forepart and...